
If you chose an image to represent your process of interpretation, what would be your image of choice?

Using Howard Washington Thurman’s images to ponder our spiritual practices of meaning-making.

Photo: Mark Kauffman/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images


This website is a journey in our Practices of Interpretation

Here you will find a gallery of images, inspired by Howard Washington Thurman’s interreligious meditative writings. Thurman gives us resources to reflect, imagine, and create our practices of interpretation. How do we make meaning? What might it look like when we read our religious texts, articulate our inner spiritual journeyings, and wrestle with the world around us? If we had to pick an image to reflect how we have made meaning of the world and created connections, what might our images be? Better yet, what can our images be if we only imagine a little bit beyond what is familiar? Thurman gives us resources to reflect, imagine, and create our practices of interpretation. May this gallery be a reflective tool, an exploratory tool, a contemplative tool, and a learning tool for fresh opportunities to ask: What does this mean and how might I go about getting an answer?